Piilo Consulting – The ability of an organization to adapt to change can have a significant impact on its future success. The ability to adapt to change is often a key factor in long-term viability and competitiveness.
Piilo Consulting – Although continuous business change is nothing new, it has a profound impact on employee wellbeing and their ability to deliver against expected goals. Organizational change fatigue refers to the cumulative and prolonged effect of experiencing numerous organizational changes within a relatively short period of time.
Piilo Consulting – Business transformation is different from incremental improvements or routine changes. Instead, it represents a more significant shift that often involves taking calculated risks to secure the long-term success of the organization in the competitive business environment.
Piilo Consulting – Negative perception due to the failure of a change program can have a significant impact on an organization’s internal and external reputation. Rebuilding credibility can be one of the most challenging aspects to overcome after a program’s failure.